I t ' s C e y l o n T e a

B u t n o t a s y o u k n o w i t .


T h e S t o r y B e h i n d E l i x i r o f C e y l o n T e a

We are a family with a love for tea, and on a mission to make the world a better tea. Dilmah Founder, Merrill J. Fernando, was the first grower to offer tea grown, picked and perfected right here in Sri Lanka where we grow our tea, to tea drinkers around the world.


E x p e r i e n c e o f E l i x i r

Freshly produced Ceylon tea is transformed into a tea concentrate within hours using a state of the art, ISO 9001: 2015 & ISO 22000:2018 certified manufacturing facility on Rilhena Estate. This method locks in the freshness & natural antioxidants with the assurance of REAL Ceylon Tea taste. It’s full of natural goodness!

DILMAH ELIXIR OF TEA is naturally richer in antioxidants since it’s made from garden-fresh tea. It is the closest to nature.


A r t i c l e s

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo

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Merill J. Fernando, the founder of Dilmah Tea, is a visionary who revolutionized the global tea industry with his unwavering commitment to quality and ethics. He dedicated his life to mastering the art of tea. His pioneering approach set a new standard for ethical trade, ensuring fair treatment for workers and sustainable practices. Today, Dilmah stands as a testament to Mr. Fernando’s passion and integrity, celebrated globally for its exceptional quality and social responsibility.


T h e S t o r y B e h i n d D i l m a h C e y l o n T e a